The fall semester has officially ended and I just wanted to say that I formally passed Anatomy and Physiology 1 ! Whoop Whoop!
I'm beyond excited because I honestly prayed about it from the beginning of the semester. Ain't God good?!
yall should've seen me I was sweating bullets and was just a wreck; well maybe not a wreck. I was still a little worried though because I just didn't want to take AP 1 again.
Looking back at this past semester, it was challenging but not difficult. Girl, I was just TIYAD! with work and school and actually trying to juggle everything I was just drained most days. What did save me this semester was:
Being on top of deadlines
Having a workspace or environment to study
eliminating distractions
looking over Notes and utilizing online resources like Quizlet
Getting a Calender or utilizing them
communicating with Professors
Getting together with classmates
I think that's pretty much it, honestly. For me, the biggest takeaway was having a work area where I would be able to get my work done. Gone are the days of doing homework in bed lol.
This is me right now because.... again I'm one step closer to Nursing school!
I just wanted to Thank anyone who clicked on this post and carefully read what I had to say! I know that they say that blogging is dead but honestly I like it and this is something that I've wanted to do for a while now.
So Thank You so much for taking the time to click the link and I appreciate you!
Oh and Subscribe to my Nursing YT Channel! www.youtube.com/shadaysnursingdiaries